Project Reference
Rumah Mewah 5 Milyar
Featured Products:

GS 1261116 ARGENTO LINEA | Granit Glossy | 120x60

GS66137 VITTORIA VERDE | Granit Glossy | 60x60

- IMPERIAL PERLA | Granit Matt | 60x60

M 66107 LEGNO GIALLO | Granit Matt | 60x60

MC662161 TRAVERNITY SAND | Granit Matt Carving | 60x60

GS66199 MAGNIFICO WHITE | Granit Glossy | 60x60

MC664319 ARCHISTONE CHARCOAL | Granit Matt Carving | 60x60
This very grand and luxurious house uses Argento Linea motif granite tiles as the main floor, Bellisima Azura as the swimming pool floor, Vittoria Verde as the toilet wall, Imperial Perla as the toilet floor, Legno Giallo as the floor decoration, Travernity Sand as the bathroom wall, Magnifico White as the bathroom floor, and Archistone Charcoal as the decoration in the carport of the house.