SANIKA SATYAWADA HEALTH CLINIC is a police clinic in the Tapin regency to serve the health of Tapin police officers. People with BPJS with the Tapin Police Health Facility can get this health service for free. The clinic, Sanika Satyawada Polres Tapin, is located in the courtyard of the Al Amanah Mosque in Bitahan District, Lokpaikat District, Tapin Regency.
The clinic uses Sun Power brand tiles on the floor with Palermo Crema and Concrete Black motifs.
The Palermo Crema motif with the code GS66175 is used throughout the indoor room, to be precise, on the floor. Likewise, the 2nd floor, the examination room, and the doctor's room.
The Palermo crema motif gives a classic, shady, calm impression with a glossy surface finish.
While the floor tiles with the Concrete Black motif code M663312 are used outdoors, to be precise, in the canopy and the bathroom.
The Concrete Black motif, which has a Matt Surface, gives a comfortable, rough feel, making it suitable for use in rooms with watery possibilities.
Palermo motif tiles come in 3 sizes and fit in 3 different colors Crema, Brown, Ivory, and Bruno. The Concrete motif has 2 sizes, 30x60 and 60x60, with 3 different colors Bone, Perla, Black and Beige. For complete details, check https://sunpower.id.